Thursday, February 21

tea on the balcony

Today I wanna highlight the cup of tea I drank just before I went to bed. I had an ok day that became shit when I came home. I just couldn't do anything. Not study or whatever, I just sat in my room and cried, tried to sleep a bit and wondered what to do. Decided to go back to Stockholm and skip my class tomorrow so I packed my things and left.

It felt so good to leave the evil U-town and on the train I felt exhausted but at least I didn't cry anymore. Went home to my brother and his girlfriend and had tea and sandwiches with him and my mum. It was really nice to have some quality-time with the family even if we missed dad who's in the hospital waiting for his operation (he have had some trouble with his carotis communis dx).

My bro showed me this user-friendly music-program called Live and I got some inspiration to do my own murmur-electro. Before we went to bed we sat on the balcony and drank the last tea and smoked and it's a really nice view over the neighbourhood there.

Sometimes I really miss that apartment, we had a really good time living there together.

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