Saturday, February 23

home-made lattes

Me and Snöret made our own lattes today and sprinkled them with amaretto. Then we had a long talk about my life right now and the fact that I feel so unmotivated and in some ways fell back in the J-hole when he made a move.

I'm angry with him now but in a more normal way since I'm not particulary in love with him anymore and I feel like I eventually will see him as just another person that have been in my life. Maybe I'll even be able to meet him and just have a normal relation to him, like he's anyone but I think I have to be careful, right now I'm not sure that I could resist him and maybe I would just fall again. And I really don't wanna do that, it would totally not be worth it.

I feel a little bit better now. I called in sick today - it feels like my cold never wanna leave me - and have spent the day just chilling and talking to Snöret. Now she's going to the snail-nest for some sugarcubes and I'll start to study. I just have to do it and I don't think I ever will feel like it so I better just start and get it over with. And I really would be happy if I could pass the exams before spring-break, I think a lot of things will be better after that.

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