Tuesday, January 1

more creative

I'm at work and soon I'll be out on the Island but first I have to leave the keys in our old apartment (ooouuuääää) and sit on the bus for an hour (zzz).

Had a really slow night yesterday but still overslept (fucketifuck) and I have a cold and feel really tired but I'm also kind of happy.
Been reading a lot of ***** and other things today (have been a slow day) and I got some inspiration. I'll try to make my **** a little bit more interesting too, not only whine about being sad or empty.

I don't like to promise things on new year but I try to be much more creative in 2008 and really take some time off the boring school and just reinvent me and myself. I'll try to be even more of a fuck-up this year but a damn happy one with a lot of colours all over.

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