Saturday, October 6

I find comfort in facebook

Yesterday I had one of those times out when you wonder why you bothered at all.

Shirley came by Snöret's place and we had some drinks and smokes, got a little wasted, went to Esque where the music was amazing and the people wasn't and it was still quite early so we left. Shirley just had her mind set on Spy bar so I just had to follow her since she had the cash and it was boring fucks from start. And no good music or cute people, the cutest guy I saw had a shirt outside his pants and his whole looks said "I'm so casual 'cause I don't have a tie" and I guess I wouldn't have anything in common with someone like him anyway.
And people were all over and finally I just got pissed off with everyone (I tend to be like that if nothing good ever happens on a night out) and just took the bus home. Sometimes I really hate people in general.

Today I've been trying to mend myself and become in a better mood but I'm not sure I've succeeded but I guess I'll notice in half an hour when I'm gonna go out and meet my friend Anna for a drink.

At least I've had a nice and slow day. I slept as long as I needed, had breakfast for an hour while reading the paper. Sat down with my computer, a cup of tea and some cigarettes and fed my addiction to facebook and catched up on some *****. I became happier because my friend Giovani had written to me and one of my ex-boyfriends found me and I really like him so we started a nice long-time-no-seen conversation. And then I remebered, there are a lot of nice peolpe around the world and we like each other and life is kind of good.

But I don't know if it's good or bad that facebook comforts me.

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