Monday, September 24

home sweet home

I'm at the place were I feel most comfortable right now. The apart- ment I shared with H in Stockholm is still my home inside and I love to be here. And of course, I also have our two lovely cats here which is really cosy.

And I actually have some moments when I feel really good. I had a moment just an hour ago when I was going from the underground to the apartment listening to music and I felt so happy and cool and life suddenly felt worth something.
But then after a while it's like I wake up and face reality and re- member the things that are fucked and then I just dip down again. I don't know how to cope with that but I really want to be able to.

And of course, I talked again with my sister and she's a really sweet cupcake and I love her. And watch this - I can come up with more - tonight is my lovely brother coming back from Berlin and that's gonna be sweet as well.

There are a few lights in my dark alley of pathetic western-world- problems.

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